About us

Scientific-professional association for the support of citizens and institutions for risk and danger management "PILLAR" (PILLAR Association) is established on 21.02.2022 and it is a civil society organization that initiates and participates in building public opinion and policy-making, advocates for solving social challenges promotes, informs, and implements activities in the field of dealing with risks and dangers of all kinds. The long-term goals of the association "PILLAR" are:

Promotion and active involvement

Promotion and active involvement of the citizens, including the citizens from the vulnerable categories in the main social activities;
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Consideration of issues in the field of protection and safety

Consideration of issues in the field of protection and safety of citizens, including citizens from vulnerable categories from risks and any kind of dangers;
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Proposing measures and activities

Proposing measures and activities of the competent bodies, institutions, and professional services, in order to improve the regulation in the field of capacity building of the civil society for improving the readiness of the citizens, including citizens from vulnerable categories to deal with risks and dangers, as well as participate in monitoring its implementation;
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Development of the capacities

Development of the capacities of civil society for the improvement of the readiness for dealing with risks and dangers;
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Cooperation and collaboration

Cooperation and collaboration with other domestic and international organizations working on the same or similar issues;
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Applying initiatives in VET

Applying initiatives in VET in the range of occupational expertise of the staff members through school-based learning and work-based learning of citizens, including the citizens from the vulnerable categories
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Address: Boris Sarafov 43/1-12
e-mail: contact@pillarassociation.org
Pillar association